Sleep with Brad for Angelina?

>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There was a survey on the radio this morning about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Apparently, men were asked if Angelina Jolie said they could have sex with her if they had sex with Brad Pitt first, would the man do it. The talk on the radio was that the percentage would be in the single digits. Wrong! 19% of men said they would have sex with Brad Pitt first if it meant they could have Angelina next. I wasn't surprised by the percentage and wondered if it was a little low actually.

Perhaps they should have asked "pre-kids" because it seems that even more (let's face it...she's still hot) men lusted after her "pre-kids" (when her personality seemed a bit more dark and edgy than it is now). I think she's beautiful either way but I know my husband's opinion changed after she settled down. He liked edgy Angelina.

Hell, I know a few women who wouldn't mind sleeping with both too, lol. Perhaps they should survey women next time.

A lot of people don't, but I actually like them as a couple. They seem like decent people.


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