Michelle Obama's Flat Shoes

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

Everybody is making such a big deal over the "fashion" of Michelle Obama. Sorry but I could care less about her clothes, where they came from or how much they cost. Every time I turn on the television, the media is gushing over it so I turn the station. It's just not high on my list of priorities.

Yesterday, it was all about her flat shoes. They showed her standing next to President Obama while he shook hands with somebody. The media was guessing that she wore flat shoes because she must've had sore feet from the green Jimmy Choo shoes she wore in the days before.

My guess? She wore flat shoes because it put her at just about the same height as her husband, maybe a tad slightly shorter, for that photo op. She comes across as a bit dominant, to me, and my guess is they don't want her photographed (in the beginning) as taller or to be portrayed as the more dominant of the couple, the more powerful of the couple, as he is introduced to other politicians around the world.

That was my feeling about it when I saw the picture the media showed yesterday. She looked more subdued and not so "in your face" in the picture. Sore feet? Give me a break. Women everywhere walk all day long in heels higher than those Jimmy Choo shoes she had on.

This is the only picture I could find of those flat shoes everybody was gushing over yesterday.


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