Britney Spears' If You Seek Amy Song on Circus CD

>> Thursday, January 29, 2009

Talk is that Britney Spears' "If You Seek Amy" is Britney's "not so clever" play on words. In other words, it is a way to say "F*ck Me" and get away with disguising explicit lyrics. What do you think?

Here are the lyrics:

"Love me hate me
Say what you want about me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy
Love me hate me
But can't you see what I see
All of the boys and all of the girls are beggin' to If You Seek Amy"

Here is the meaning of the not so clever play on words:

But all of the boys and all of the girls are beggin to F U C K ME


If this doesn't break any explicit lyrics rules, it'll be played on the radio where a child can hear it. You know a majority of the kids are going to know what it is really'll be the talk at school. How do you feel about your child singing this song?


Connie Talbot, Child Singer With Great Talent

My sister sent me a link of a little girl singing on the Ellen show. I had never heard of Connie Talbot before so I watched it and then went to YouTube to find some more. My kids watched videos with me for awhile.

Watching this one made me cry:

I would imagine we are going to be hearing a lot from this little girl in the coming years.


15th Annual Screen Actor Guild Awards

>> Sunday, January 25, 2009

Well, it's 25 minutes into the 15th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAG's) and I'm bored so far. I've contemplated turning the station (and did give in and flip thru the channels) or just muting the television for awhile. Here I sit, waiting for something interesting. I'm just going to leave this open and check back in to continue this post in a bit (hopefully, after the SAG Awards gets interesting).

32 minutes in...Kate Winslet just won supporting female actor for The Reader. She looks nice. She looks like a real person.

64 minutes in...They're talking about James Earl Jones and how he stuttered as a kid, however, he was able to read a poem without stuttering. Something else I didn't know - he's been on Sesame Street. He won the Life Achievement Award.

81 minutes in...Laura Linney just won a SAG for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-series (John Adams).

93 minutes in...hope my laptop battery lasts another half hour!

98 minutes...Outstanding Performance Male Actor in a Supporting Role went to Heath Ledger. That still makes me sad. It's been a year and I still have a hard time believing he's gone. He was very talented. I haven't seen Dark Knight. I thought it'd be too upsetting. That makes me a sap I think.

Oooh...Brad Pitt is standing up there right now. It took one hour and 40 minutes but there he is. He's a handsome man. He and Angelina Jolie are a beautiful couple. I don't really care how/when they got together. That is between him, Angelina, and Jennifer Aniston and nobody else. It was several years ago; there are at least two sides to everything and nobody but them are really going to know what really happened or when it happened. It's time to just move on.

Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role: Meryl Streep for Doubt (her 2nd win). We just rented Mamma Mia. I thought it wasn't going to be an interesting movie when it started but I was wrong. Mamma Mia was a fun movie.

Katie Holmes is presenting Male Actor in a Leading Role. The Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role went to Sean Penn (Milk). His first SAG win.

I'm off to bed now. It's past my bedtime.


Celebrity News Today - Jan 25 2009

Paramedics were sent to the home of Amy Poehler after a 911 call. It's assumed that the call was for her mother and not her three month old son. I haven't heard any other details.

Old news (a couple days) but still making headlines is that George Clooney is going to be in ER again! Either the A-list celebrity is hard up for work (not likely) or he's doing a guest spot on the long running hit before it's over.

I love Dakota Fanning. I also love Twilight. Rumors are that she might play a vamp in New Moon, the second book in the four book saga. My daughter's already made me promise to take her to the second movie, before it's even filmed. She is in love with Edward Cullen.

Sanjaya (think American Idol a couple years ago) wrote a memoir? Huh? Isn't he, like, still a kid? My stepdaughter was in love with him but has he lived enough to have an autobiography already? It won't be on my "must read" list.


Where do Perez and the like get all their material?

>> Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is a new blog for me...something I thought about doing last year but didn't until now. I'm wondering how blogs like Perez Hilton's get their material? That blog is a bit too "much" for me (calling people sluts for publicity isn't my thing). I don't want to sling mud (that may not even be true) to get people to my blog. Do the authors of these popular blogs have direct phone lines to celebrity PR people, and to celebrities themselves? How? I wonder.


Remember Molly Ringwalk in Pretty in Pink?

I remember. It was a long time ago but I remember.

Current news is that Molly Ringwald is pregnant with twins - one of each by the way if you're wondering whether it'll be sons or daughters for her. Babies make two more to add to her family (husband, Panio Gianopoulos, and five year old daughter, Mathilda).

Congrats on the pregnancy news!


John Travolta/Kelly Preston Extortion Plot Uncovered; Charge Filed

There were three suspects in an alleged Travolta/Preston extortion plot to the tune of $20 million that has to do with his son, Jett's, death. How sick are people to do this to a family in mourning? People disgust me.

For my views on the media concerning the death of Jett, check it out here.


Michelle Obama's Flat Shoes

>> Friday, January 23, 2009

Everybody is making such a big deal over the "fashion" of Michelle Obama. Sorry but I could care less about her clothes, where they came from or how much they cost. Every time I turn on the television, the media is gushing over it so I turn the station. It's just not high on my list of priorities.

Yesterday, it was all about her flat shoes. They showed her standing next to President Obama while he shook hands with somebody. The media was guessing that she wore flat shoes because she must've had sore feet from the green Jimmy Choo shoes she wore in the days before.

My guess? She wore flat shoes because it put her at just about the same height as her husband, maybe a tad slightly shorter, for that photo op. She comes across as a bit dominant, to me, and my guess is they don't want her photographed (in the beginning) as taller or to be portrayed as the more dominant of the couple, the more powerful of the couple, as he is introduced to other politicians around the world.

That was my feeling about it when I saw the picture the media showed yesterday. She looked more subdued and not so "in your face" in the picture. Sore feet? Give me a break. Women everywhere walk all day long in heels higher than those Jimmy Choo shoes she had on.

This is the only picture I could find of those flat shoes everybody was gushing over yesterday.


Patrick Swayze Cancer & Life Update

>> Thursday, January 22, 2009

As of right now, Patrick Swayze is home after pneumonia put him into the hospital thankfully. He is battling Pancreatic Cancer, has outlived the predictions he was given when first diagnosed, and is writing his memoirs. To hear that he is writing his memoirs is sad. He's only 56. He shouldn't need to write those for another decade or so, right?

I loved him in Dirty Dancing. Loved him again in Road House. Loved him in Ghost. Still love him today. You can catch his new series, The Beast on A&E.

I hope he fights the good fight and stays as healthy as he can for as long as he can.


Oscar Nominations

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button received 13 nominations. Way to go Brad! They won't be competing against The Dark Knight for best-picture award (though they were nominated in seven other categories). Heath Ledger was nominated as a supporting actor for The Dark year to the day from his death. That was a sad day. I have not seen The Dark Knight. I think it would be to sad to watch for me.

Angelina Jolie was nominated for best-actress for Changeling. I have not seen the movie yet. I can't wait to rent it. I think it is going to be really good. I love Angelina Jolie moves to begin with but this one, from the previews, seems to hit the heartstrings. She goes up against Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, and Melissa Leo.

For more information on the Oscar nominations, check them out at Oscar. Don't forget to catch the Oscars on February 22, 2009.


Sleep with Brad for Angelina?

>> Wednesday, January 14, 2009

There was a survey on the radio this morning about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Apparently, men were asked if Angelina Jolie said they could have sex with her if they had sex with Brad Pitt first, would the man do it. The talk on the radio was that the percentage would be in the single digits. Wrong! 19% of men said they would have sex with Brad Pitt first if it meant they could have Angelina next. I wasn't surprised by the percentage and wondered if it was a little low actually.

Perhaps they should have asked "pre-kids" because it seems that even more (let's face it...she's still hot) men lusted after her "pre-kids" (when her personality seemed a bit more dark and edgy than it is now). I think she's beautiful either way but I know my husband's opinion changed after she settled down. He liked edgy Angelina.

Hell, I know a few women who wouldn't mind sleeping with both too, lol. Perhaps they should survey women next time.

A lot of people don't, but I actually like them as a couple. They seem like decent people.


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