Organic Celebrities

>> Tuesday, August 18, 2009

We see a lot of celebrities jump on the train to promote a group like the environment or world hunger and how many of us wonder if they really care? How many celebrities really care? Which ones do it for the publicity and which ones do it because they feel they should?

Jorja Fox (CSI) did a public service announcement for the Union of Concerned Scientists for a healthier environment. Woody Harrelson and Sting want Bluefin Tuna taken off of sushi menus because they're nearing extinction. Reports are that Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, and Julia Roberts all prefer organic baby products. Do they go for all organic baby clothes or do they buy a few pieces only? Cindy Crawford used to make her own baby food!

It's hard to know what the reasons are, if they really care. I'd like to ask them myself if they do. I'm curious. Of course, it'd probably result in a canned sound bite that their publicist fed to them.


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