Chris Brown Assaults Rihanna?

>> Monday, February 9, 2009

If the rumors are true, that Chris Brown assaulted Rihanna, and that is the reason why neither were at the Grammys last night, what kind of wimpy ass man does that make Chris Brown for going after a woman? Is he too afraid to hit somebody more even with his male strength and has to go after a woman instead? Men who abuse women are wimps and cowards.

There are few things, as far as celebrity dirt is concerned, that I would harshly insult celebrities for because their silliness is just stupid in my opinion. They don't live in reality and their behavior, sometimes, reflects that. HOWEVER, assaulting a woman deserves every bit of insult that can possibly be flung.

Now, he is innocent until proven guilty. That being said, if he did assault Rihanna, or any woman for that matter, he's a loser. If true, I hope his CD sales tank and endorsement deals all fall through.

If he did this, Rihanna better dump his butt or I will never buy another one of her CD's again. I want a strong role model for my girls to listen to. Assuming it's true that is. You know how celebrity rumors fly about.


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