Brad Pitt Runs Stop Sign Per TMZ Who Chase Him Like Vultures

>> Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TMZ says Brad Pitt went thru a stop sign in Beverly Hills after leaving his manager's office. Hmm...I guess he is human after all. Haven't we all done that at one time or another? My husband rolls through them all the time and it irritates the hell out of me. When he gets a ticket, I am going to LMAO.

On a motorcycle especially, it certainly wasn't the smartest thing for Brad to do. I wouldn't want to be in an accident on a motorcycle. Are celebrities above the law? I don't think so. However, having paparazzi chasing me everywhere, like the one catching this video, probably had him distracted and attempting to just get away from the trash that run after him everywhere like parasites.

There should be rules about when the vultures can catch photos including not allowing them to do this when a vehicle is moving because not only do you put the celebrity at risk, you put other motorists at risk as well.

Here's the video:


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