Ron Silver Dead at Age 62

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

Ron Silver, who has been fighting esophageal cancer for the last two years, passed away in his sleep early yesterday.

Once a Democrat like most of Hollywood, he became a "9/11 Republican" after the terrorist attacks on September 11th and re-registered as "Independent".

According to a Yahoo news report today: "In an interview with The Associated Press a month later, Silver said his support for the war on terror was costing him work in liberal-minded Hollywood."

I guess the freedoms that so many have fought and died for don't apply if you belong to the Hollywood set. If you don't agree with the very liberal minded Hollywood-ites, you have to take your toys and go home (and get blackballed from acting jobs?). Hmmm...that makes me wonder how many Hollywood-ites are actually left-leaning liberal or are just pretending to be in order to remain in the good graces of the powers that be. That's really a shame since their celebrity gets them the sound bites in the news that so many (too many?) people see and hear. Hopefully, Americans don't form their own political opinions based on the "far from reality" Hollywood-ites who aren't a part of mainstream America.


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