Chris Brown Takes Himself Out of Kids Choice Awards 2009

>> Monday, March 16, 2009

Good! Too bad Nickelodeon didn't do it themselves as they should have. They are a children's network and have a responsibility to their underage viewers. They failed in that responsibility in my opinion.


Ron Silver Dead at Age 62

Ron Silver, who has been fighting esophageal cancer for the last two years, passed away in his sleep early yesterday.

Once a Democrat like most of Hollywood, he became a "9/11 Republican" after the terrorist attacks on September 11th and re-registered as "Independent".

According to a Yahoo news report today: "In an interview with The Associated Press a month later, Silver said his support for the war on terror was costing him work in liberal-minded Hollywood."

I guess the freedoms that so many have fought and died for don't apply if you belong to the Hollywood set. If you don't agree with the very liberal minded Hollywood-ites, you have to take your toys and go home (and get blackballed from acting jobs?). Hmmm...that makes me wonder how many Hollywood-ites are actually left-leaning liberal or are just pretending to be in order to remain in the good graces of the powers that be. That's really a shame since their celebrity gets them the sound bites in the news that so many (too many?) people see and hear. Hopefully, Americans don't form their own political opinions based on the "far from reality" Hollywood-ites who aren't a part of mainstream America.


Celebrity News As of March 15, 2009

>> Sunday, March 15, 2009

  • Lindsay Lohan has a warrant out for her. Rumors are that it is for a DUI she had awhile ago.
  • Rihanna is back with the man, Chris Brown, who beat her. Reports are that she smacked him first. Bad move. However, that doesn't give him the right to brutally assault her. What it does give him the right to do is WALK AWAY. Nickelodeon should be ashamed of themselves for not removing Chris Brown from their Kids' Choice Awards ballot. I expect better from a children's network and my children will not be watching.
  • The boyfriend of the late Anna Nicole Smith, Howard K. Stern, has turned himself in. He is facing charges for apparently helping her drug addiction along. Anna Nicole has been dead for two years now. Three face charges but Howard K. Stern is being called by the Attorney General as the "principal enabler".
  • Anne Heche's divorce is final.
  • Melrose Place, the night time show that was a hit when I was younger, is being remade. I've heard Ashlee Simpson-Wentz (Jessica Simpson's sister) is joining the cast.


Police Report Read Out Loud for Rihanna & Chris Brown

>> Sunday, March 8, 2009

I wonder what kind of career fallout these two will see. I will not buy anything from either of these two artists. Chris Brown for the obvious reason and Rihanna because I want strong role models for my girls, not celebrity women (who are role models for many girls unfortunately) who are beaten by their boyfriend and then go back to the man, refusing to testify against him.

Rihanna is not renewing the "no contact" order. She wants contact with Chris Brown now. CNN reported:

"Singer Rihanna, through her lawyer, asked a judge Thursday not to prohibit her boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, from having contact with her while he faces felony charges of assaulting her.

The judge granted Rihanna's request."

She was brutally beaten and she went back to him. Her self-esteem must be at rock bottom to do so. Goes to show that celebrity, money, and fame doesn't equal confidence or self-respect.


Celebrity News Today - March 2, 2009

>> Monday, March 2, 2009

Well, it seems as if the rumors about Rihanna and Chris Brown are true. They are back together, apparently staying at Sean Combs' (P. Diddy, Puff Daddy...etc. etc.) home with pics of Chris Brown enjoying himself on a jet ski. Whatever. A man does that to you what the police pictures show was done to Rihanna, you don't go back to the jackbutt. I won't be buying either one of their CD's for my kids...not good role models.

Miley Cyrus was seen jogging with her boyfriend, Justin Gaston, and E Online is making something scandalous over a picture in which part of Miley's bikini top was showing at the top of her shirt. They are calling it a "half-naked run." Stupid. A lot of men jog without shirts on and Miley is dressed. People run in jogging bras all the time and Miley is more covered than that. I'd be a lot more concerned about the age difference (no way would my daughter be allowed, at 16, to date a 20-year-old). This is Hollywood. They don't live in our reality.

The NFL players who have been missing have not been found yet. Nick Schuyler has been found west of Tampa Bay, however, he is just one out of a total of four men who were missing. He was found with the boat. The other three are still missing - Corey Smith (former Detroit Lions player), Marquis Cooper (Oakland Raiders), and Will Beakley. No word yet on what he has said about the other three missing. It's not looking good at all.

It is being reported that Ed McMahon has bone cancer and is in intensive care. He turns 86 on Friday.

Molly Ringwald is due to have twins in August. I still like to watch Pretty in Pink and Sixteen Candles.

Britney Spears
hasn't sold out her concert in New Orleans as of this morning. I wonder if she expected to.


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