Not a Katy Perry Fan

>> Monday, September 19, 2011

I am not a Katy Perry fan. Sorry, but it sounds like bubblegum pop and while I LOVED the 80's and pop music then and now, I doubt I would've loved Katy Perry even back in the 80's.  Besides, having to explain that little french word (starts with menage - - ) in one of her latest songs to my daughter (so she didn't ask her french teacher) was not one of my best parenting moments.  She walked off saying, "Ewwwww!!!"  I wonder if I should write that in her baby book for her to have when she is older and laugh about.  Ugh.

Listening to music on the radio with too many parts all bleeped out - - really silly.  I'd like to be able to listen to a song fully on the radio and actually hear all of it. Music is getting quite vulgar.  I'm not a prude and really like artists like Prince and Eminem (and he's a bad one for bleeped out songs on the radio) but it's going a bit far with the vulgarity anymore. My kids walk around singing Nicki Minaj and they're censoring themselves with bleeped silence at the bad parts (good thing for them).


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