Michael Jackson: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

In the United States, we have a presumption of innocence (innocent until proven guilty). Michael Jackson was tried and acquitted by a jury in 2005 of the 14 counts against him. He was found not guilty and walked out a free man. Why is he still presumed guilty?

Rep. Peter King (New York) had this to say:

"He was a pervert, a child molestor; he was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country?"

He was ACQUITTED by a jury! Who can prove without a reasonable doubt that Michael Jackson was guilty? Anybody? Not Peter King I would imagine. I find it funny that a politician has something so harshly critical to say when so many politicians have so many skeletons hanging in their closets, they probably need crowd control for all of them. If he can't respect a decision made in a court of law, a government institution, then perhaps he should give up his own government job.

The man is dead. He was a musical genius. If people want to celebrate the life of a man who was acquitted of charges, who brought them years of joy in his music, then let them! At a time when children are burying their father, I think critics should shut the heck up at least until he's at his final resting place. This man, no matter what your opinion of him, had children. If his daughter's speech at his memorial service is any indication, those children adored their daddy. Let them grieve for their father without having to worry about things adults should know better than to say in an arena where they could hear it. Would Peter King walk up to Michael Jackson's kids and say that? If not, shut your mouth.

I usually watch Fox News but I have to say that I am disappointed in their coverage last night on Hannity on this topic. The Federal Prosecutor they had on the show who was claiming he was guilty, despite being acquitted...I really have to question her legal education. It also makes me question Hannity's judgment as well, which is disappointing.

I hope despite the crucifying of Michael Jackson by the media and others, despite the acquittal, I hope he felt loved while he was alive.


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