Hollywood Politics

>> Monday, March 11, 2013

I've not posted here in such a long time.  I've been very disillusioned at Hollywood's drooling over President Obama.  I really think that with the spotlight celebrities have on them, they should keep their mouths shut politically speaking because when they don't, the less informed voters go along with what is mainstream (and celebrities and that culture is mainstream) and that's bad for the rest of us who actually care about our country but get stuck with...well, who we are stuck with.

When they speak out, they tend to lose me as a fan.  Jon Bon Jovi is an example.  I have LOVED him since I was a kid but the past couple years, there's no shine left on him for me.  It's a turn off when celebrities mix politics with their celebrity glitter.

I am not sure if I will use this blog or not.  I guess time will tell.


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